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For those who care to know... and know to care... sharing my heart on a difficult journey.

Another Fall

Another Fall

Fall 2017 has arrived. The weather does not seem to know this, as it has been hot and steamy outside the past few days and will be that way for several more days.  

I've always enjoyed decorating, outside and inside, for Fall. I love the colors of Fall. My home reflects that all year. 

Last night wasn't easy, and today finds me lacking the strength I wish I had. But I AM thankful for this day and I'm thankful that I have my pretty Fall decorations to look at. 

I hate that I am missing church again today, but I am thankful that I can feel God's Spirit here in my little home as I read and study His Word. It is very real and precious to me and much more so because it's not just a "Sunday thing". I feel that same Spirit EVERY day... here at home, driving down the road in my car, anywhere I go. 

I never want to think that I can't be "right" or I can't connect with God unless I go to church. I believe I need to go WHEN I can, but I know I'm still just as loved and just as close to God when I'm not able to attend church. 

1 Corinthians 3:16(NIV)   16 Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in your midst?

I am comforted by that verse and I am encouraged to live my life accordingly. I want to be found worthy of God's in-dwelling Spirit as much as I possibly can. This means letting go of some of the garbage I've been packing around in my spirit. The garbage of: 1. Unforgivness  2. Bitterness  3. Doubt  4. Fear  5. Confusion. These have been my burdens to bear for too long. I've let the hurt of the things certain people have said and done to me fester and grow in my heart. I've let bitterness over the "whys and why nots" crop up and cause me to walk under a cloud of grief. And I've let the three demons of doubt, fear and confusion over my circumstances poison my spirit and steal my joy much too often. 

God's word says my body is His temple. I must do all I can to keep this temple pure, clean and holy. Am I saying I am pure, clean and holy ALL OF THE TIME? NO!!! Probably not even half the time! But I am trying. 

As I enter this new season, I am praying for God to draw me closer to His side and reveal to me what I need to do to shed the "old garbage" from my spirit and make room for more of Him.

With God's help, I will be blessed and be a blessing in His service today and every day. 


Another Fall
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